
First let me say this isn't for everyone. This is for those that understand the atrocities of the past and realize that if something is not done now the future will be worse. This is not for those that get sidetracked by setbacks. This is for those that understand that the mission is bigger than the person. This is for those that want to try a new approach to Black economic empowerment. For those that realize the failed strategies being promoted by the current economic platforms are getting us nowhere fast. They are trying to convince people to leave their jobs and take their savings an go into business for themselves. Not only is that a very high risk scenario it is a recipe for is not a formula for Black economic empowerment. Statistics show that 50% of all small businesses fail in the first 5 years and 70% fail in the first 10 years. Now, those are that stats for all small businesses, you can only imagine what they are for Black owned small businesses. More importantly this is for those that want to be remembered as leaders in the Black economic renaissance. Now beware...there are gonna be those that have negative things to say about what I am proposing......those are the people that Harriet would have shot.

Black economic empowerment is not an individual accomplishment, it is a racial accomplishment. The Black race has to be economically empowered before the individual can experience true economic empowerment. The current narrative coming from the present economic thought is not expressing this fact and as a result we make no progress in our quest for liberation and self determination. The proof is that after over 400 years in this country and 70 years after integration, as a race, we have the highest unemployment, the lowest net worth per capita, a non-existent community economic base, as a race we have the lowest business ownership. Dr. Claude Andersen points out that in 1865 90% of black people worked for white people and in 2018 90% of Black people work for white people. A blind man can see that we are wasting our 43 million population and our 1,5 trillion dollar purchasing power. It doesn't take a genius to realize that it is time we try something different.



The KEMETIC SCIENCE OF PROSPERITY has developed a detailed plan for those that want:

1- Personal business development, 2- Economic security, 3- Generational wealth, 4- Economic legacy 5- to prepare the next generation for economic dominance, 6- Build a bridge between the elders and the youth, 7- To put the next generation in a position of power, 8- to be financially set at retirement age, 9- to be owners in a company that doesn't stop growing

Why do we need Black economic empowerment?

Imagine the scenario if we continue on the economic path we are on now. The new slavery is an economic slavery. Black people are surviving in this country as a result of white guilt and Donald Trump is chipping away at that. Once Hispanics and Asians come into greater economic and political power our future generations will be prime candidates to be the economic slave of these other ethnic groups. The school to prison pipeline is real....there is no debate on that issue...that pipeline will become a 4 lane one way highway if we do not take Black economic empowerment seriously.

As well intentioned the majority of the Black economic platforms are they are not developing a realistic strategy to Black empowerment. They are rehashing old failed tactics with updated rhetoric. They are putting the cart before the other words their strategy is backwards and as a result we stay locked at the bottom of the economic ladder while other ethnic groups surpass us economically and politically. The current economic leadership is leading us down a dead end street. I respect and admire two maybe three of the current economic minds on Black economic empowerment and they got it wrong. I explain all this in the webinar.....the webinar will be free or $1...just to weed out the deadbeats. We can't afford dead weight.

.....I want to talk to the serious.....those that are not afraid to lead....those that are not afraid to take responsibility, those that want to do something revolutionary. I want to separate those that are serious about Black empowerment from those that just want to talk about Black empowerment. I have to believe that there are some out there that want to be the difference, that want to be remembered for standing tall. All others....this does not apply to you. If you are not out here trying everything you can think of to better the condition of Black people then you have mentally surrendered and have become comfortable with the status quo. Succeed or fail we need to be trying everything intelligently possible to change the condition of Black people in America. We need this change not only for the current generations behind us but for future generations that haven't been born yet. It is our responsibility to manifest a world that is livable and more importantly prosperous for future generations. The Kemetic Science of Prosperity has a plan that will put us on track to accomplish these goals.


We will be doing a full presentation in a live webinar to introduce you to the company and detail the company goals and our strategy to accomplish those goals. It is imperative that we visualize the type of future we desire and create a game plan to manifest our desired results.

All we need you to do is sign's free...there is no commitment.....only those tha sign up will get the link to the webinar.....this way only the serious people will be involved.

go to .....www.ksp4ever,com the 5kmic page and sign up.


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