On behalf of myself and my son I'd like to introduce you to our podcast "LIKE FATHER LIKE SON"

A good friend of mines does a podcast with his son his name is Duane Browser, many of you know him as The Black Dot......I admired him for that....I think that is the dream of every man have the respect of your son and to work on some thing you both believe in. So i say that to say I was honored ...when my son came to me and said " Dad we shoud do a podcast" ..and even more so when he presented it to me all laid out. I mean the name the format and the mission statement. I was really impressed ....


Our mission is multilayered but all are intrically related and codependent. Our goal is to be a solutions oriented platform. As such it requires your I know a lot of you just want to sit home and talk a good game....... there is a role for you too.... but we want the next generation of leaders. What I noticed most as I witnessed the protests is that there was no leadership no follow up no step 2 step was protest and thats it. Our platform is challenged with educating you on the other weapons in our arsenal and how to use them. I assure you this will be like nothing you've experienced before but sorely needed and not provided. Our journey is unique so our approach has to be unique. The fact that we face the same issues over and over is proof positive that no real progress is being made. There is an absense of strong committed leadership with a strategy for success. We have to create a vision of what we want our future to look like and create a plan to manafest it. We are not here to debate your religious beliefs, your historical significance or your sexual preference. Our goal is to remove the vail of ignorance that has blinded us for hundreds of years and educate you in the use of the tools we as a people have available to us to be the architects of our future instead of the prisoners of our past. \par
Our areas of concentration will be 1-economics/ to find power in them 2- education....- the importance of educating our own children and 3-entertainment....-to balance the imagery of black people to the world and son and I believe that if we can create dialog in these key areas we can lay the groundwork for real progress. \par


  • To be a solutions oriented platform.....not just discuss problems but to
  • To bridge the gap between elder Black men and younger black men. We desperately need each other. We need to share experiences in an effort to bring knowledge wisdom and understanding to our issues instead of contention confusion and competition.
  • To create an environment where Black men and Black women can work together and resolve our issues. We cant do this alone....its gonna take men women and the youth.
    We have to increase and control our value to society instead of others profiting from our efforts.

Our first episode will be "The Mathematics of Political Science"......"The Business Of Voting"
So trap in....buckle up.....get your popcorn.....but most of all......put you thinking caps on......we have to start thinking

In order for the Black man to live.......The Negro has got to die