Greetings Family

As a member of the Kemetic Science Of Prosperity I greet you in the spirit of economic empowerment. The KSP is a for profit State of Georgia corporation and our mission is multi-layered. The mission is simple yet overlooked. We need to galvanize the many African American economic organizations under one banner for economic purposes. KSP will serve as a conduit and support system for Black owned and operated businesses. KSP will provide assistance in economic development, political empowerment and community organization. While preserving the stature and individuality of its member organizations. I’m sure I’m preaching to the choir when I say that unless we can come together and develop and economic policy for Black America we will have no influence over the $1 trillion buying power that Black America wields. Until we can exert that influence the economic futures of our children and our children’s children will be determined by other ethnic groups. If we continue along our current path our unemployment numbers will increase and as a result our incarceration numbers will increase and the number of undereducated Black children will increase. All these factors if realized are a recipe for a return to servitude which our ancestors fought so hard to escape. Obviously, this isn’t going to resonate with everybody. Only a select type of person will understand the seriousness of our predicament in this country and our mission to correct historical mistreatment with the purpose of creating an environment of prosperity for future generations. Our hope is that you are that type of person. Our goal is to build a membership of at least 5,000 to 10,000 members. There is strength in numbers. The first step is always the hardest to make…..KSP has taken the first step for you….now its up to you to keep the momentum going……. JOIN US……MEMBERSHIP IS FREE …..STAND UP AND BE COUNTED